Saturday, October 24, 2009

My Holidays!!!

I am a really slow typer so i decided to make a video about my holidays!
Bit dodgy in this my singing!!! And Please Guys post some things as embarrassing as this then you will be my best friend!!!!


  1. Hey Zoe
    That was a great Video a sleep over is always fun. Hey also loved the video of you and your sister singing that was brave of you. I posted a video of penguins and Elmo and also me in a waterfall nothing like yours but you should check it out. Also Taman safari is so much fun how long did it take you to get there is took me like 4 hours there once and 3 hours back. Oh and about the monkey I hate them they are so mean and selfish. That happened to me once the guy was cutting my hair but it to short I hate that but your hair looks really nice. Hockey will be fun I guess but I have never played it but you know you will have fun. That was my favorite part also I slept in till like 9:29 every day it was great. But tomorrow we have to wake up early for school. (NO.) I thought the song was rock star. Also you are a great singer no lie trust me. But it did not understand what you said at the end!
    Well great job keep posting videos and pictures

  2. Oh Zoe
    I might post a weird video is it scary!
