Monday, December 21, 2009
Waitings The Hardest Part
The Christmas Tree is Glowing with lights and you and your siblings are watching the Christmas Carols and for me its at the Oprah House in Sydney.
Well even when you don't believe in Santa and if you don't your stupid but you still get that feeling in your stomach! I have presents for my brother and sister all ready for Christmas Day hiding in my cupboard! Its a good time Christmas and people really forget the main importance of Christmas its not the presents its having time with your family and remembering God.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
This year is a different year for me because every Christmas i have had has been in Australia and since my dad got the posting here in Jakarta ( Indonesia ) it is a big change. But for Christmas we are going out to the beach from the 23rd to the 28th then after New Years we're going to Srilanka.
Last night my Mum, brother, sister and me had a conversation while eating dinner about what we would like for Christmas. I told my mum that i would like a digital camera, iPod touch some jewelry and a book called "Bite Me".
What do you guys want? I will get one of the either Digital camera or the iPod touch and i dont mind which one. On the beach i will go and surf! I miss it so much in Australia they have the best waves ever for surfing i love it!
I am also so existed about Srilanka it sounds great! I also want to spend the whole time there surfing and swimming n the waves! What are you guys doing for Christmas?
Friday, December 11, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
My Own Personal Eassy
I think little sisters are better, I think they are more preswasive and they are fun. Little brothers are not interested in you and when they are they normally look for a fight.
My Little sister is Kelsey is more interesting and fun and my brother is just concealed in his PSP and Music. But Kelsey she wants to do things with me most times sure sometimes she doesn't want anything to do with me but so does every one siblings.
One time my sister wanted to go to the pool so i said yes (cause im the best sister). Then i asked my brother if he wanted to come he wasn't in the best mood so he cracked it a screamed at me while throeing shoes at me. Cause he was playing on his PSP.
My Sister was playing with my brother and i was on the computer. She was sad at me because i couldn't play because i had homework and my brother got angry at her for no good reason and she came sucking up to me doing things for me.
So i think having a little sister is better than than having a little brother. What do you think.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Catching Fire

****** = I give it 6 stars because ....
I LOVED the hunger games it was AMAZING and Catching Fire was more than AMAZING it was so so so good i cant explain it!
Suzanne Collins is an amazing writer and she puts so much heart and thought into her books. Some of the comments she got for the hunger games ( Cathcing Fire is a new relse ) were ...
The Hunger Games is violent, jarring speed-rap of a novel that generates nearly constant suspense ....... I could not stop reading it!
- Stephen King Entertainment weekly
I was so obsessed with this book i had to take it with me out to dinner and hide it under the edge of the table so i wouldn't have to stop reading! The story kept me awake for several nights in a row, because even after i was finished, i just lay in bed wide awake thinking about it. The Hunger Games is AMAZING!
- Stephenie Meyer Twilight Saga Author
Brilliantly plotted and perfectly paced ..... Engrossing
- John Green New York Times Book reviews
A plot - driven blend of suspense, science fiction and romance.
- USA Today
They are just same of the comments of the Hunger Games but cathcing fire is better if not just as amazing. When I read it it takes me into Katniss ( Main Character ) world. Her descriptions reminds me some how of me. I absolutely love the characters in both books and my favorites are Prim - Both Books Gale - Both Books Katniss - Both Books ( My Favortie Favorite ) Rue - Only in the Hunger Games Katniss's Mum -Both Books and Peter - Both Books ( Author main character ).
I want to read the Cathching Fire again and again but .... I have a whole line of books lined up to read but I'm sure i will read it more than once.