Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I love Christmas and everything about it the food, the time with your family the presents EVERYTHING!
This year is a different year for me because every Christmas i have had has been in Australia and since my dad got the posting here in Jakarta ( Indonesia ) it is a big change. But for Christmas we are going out to the beach from the 23rd to the 28th then after New Years we're going to Srilanka.

Last night my Mum, brother, sister and me had a conversation while eating dinner about what we would like for Christmas. I told my mum that i would like a digital camera, iPod touch some jewelry and a book called "Bite Me".

What do you guys want? I will get one of the either Digital camera or the iPod touch and i dont mind which one. On the beach i will go and surf! I miss it so much in Australia they have the best waves ever for surfing i love it!

I am also so existed about Srilanka it sounds great! I also want to spend the whole time there surfing and swimming n the waves! What are you guys doing for Christmas?

1 comment:

  1. Sri Lanka could be a great trip, Zoe. It does have beautiful beaches, and the surf might be good. Certainly the water will be warmer. :-)

    I hope you can use your new camera (hopefully) to get some great pics to show the rest of us.

    Love the red and green text colors.

