Saturday, July 10, 2010
Day After Day
Wow holiday's fly by! I have lost my time with the little things. I have done a few things like Paintball, Shopping, Hairdressers, The zoo, Gym. spend a lot of time at home and the time fly's. The days all seem like the hours are spun all together. I am so ecsited my birthday is in a few days! ecept i don't like the fact that my mum and dad are both working, my brother and sister both at summer camp. So for my 13th birthday ( one of the biggest birthday you have ) I spend it at home!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
1st Day of Summer 2010
I have decided to rite everyday of my summer so at the end i will have ................. I don't know how many days and I'm on holidays so maths is OUT! Missed the last day of school on Friday, such a bummer! I really wanted to go because both of my 6th grade ( for the second time ) core teachers are going away. Mr Hughes is retiring and Ms Marrello is moving to Brazil. What I mean for the second time is that I have already done sixth grade in Australia then when my family moved here and we went into an International school with the Ame
rican system my grade got stuffed around and know I am a year or two older than everyone in my classes. Today was boring but good. It was one of those days, a lot of siting, T.V and Computer.The morning was just me and my mum. My dad had gone to the gym and my little brother who's eleven and my little sister who's ten were both at sleepovers so the morning was very quiet and peaceful. Patrick and Kelsey both got home at the same time i think it was 12 and my brother had lunch and now as i rite is in bed, he was damn tired when he got home. My sister well, she had a "hissy" fit and cried for sometime, until she went to her music lesson which
created more tears before she went. Kelsey is the most talented clarinet player I have ever heard she is just AMAZING! My brother plays guitar, hes very good to and also for the amount of lessons he has had. I made my bunnies cage alot more comfortable than it was before, and it should be i spet about half an hour hand shredding old news papers. One very relaxing, quiet and some what boring days, and that was my 1st day of summer.
Pic 1 - ( Left to right ) Patrick, Kelsey and Me.
Pic 2 - ( Left to Right ) Zoe, Bunny, Patrick.
I have decided to rite everyday of my summer so at the end i will have ................. I don't know how many days and I'm on holidays so maths is OUT! Missed the last day of school on Friday, such a bummer! I really wanted to go because both of my 6th grade ( for the second time ) core teachers are going away. Mr Hughes is retiring and Ms Marrello is moving to Brazil. What I mean for the second time is that I have already done sixth grade in Australia then when my family moved here and we went into an International school with the Ame

Pic 1 - ( Left to right ) Patrick, Kelsey and Me.
Pic 2 - ( Left to Right ) Zoe, Bunny, Patrick.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Advertising - Moving Pictures
Who : I think Rinzin's was the best.
Target Audience : Everyone
What Was It Advertising : That the world is AWESOME!
Company : National Geographic
Why was it good : It was convincing, interesting to watch and listen to, And it was kind of funny.
I also thought Saige's was equally good.
Who : Saige
Target Audience : Children and Adults.
What Was It Advertising: To buy Evian water
Company : Evian
Why was it good : It was really cute, creative and to me I think affective cause afterwards I was thirsty.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Lie vs Any Question

My choice is any question because, in the world that Jonas lives in you cant lie and in our world its bad to lie and all parents teach their kids not to but they don't realize that they do it too. Some examples are Santa Clause, The tooth fairy and so on . My choice any question at all with a honest answer. Asking questions I think are more necessary that lieing. If the world didn't ask questions we would still be in cave naked trying to light a fire. If Ernestine didn't ask questions we would have maths, these are all examples of asking questions to help life evolve. Every day you ask questions to friends " Hey are you mad at me for using your eraser" to parents " Mum why wont you let me go to the mall? " and insted of your paernts lieing and saying I dont want you to go they will tell the truth " Because I'm worried you might die or a pedafile might get you or something along the lines of that okay!" And thats wy I wold choose asking questions over lieing.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Journal Writting
25th of May 2010
I just realized that next week is our last week of school, and next month is my 13th BIRTHDAY! YES! I have seshas song in my head damn, you know Your Love is My Drug.
I don't know why I put the lyrics up. Who know what goes on in my head cause even I don't. How weird is this that my Dad and Terrance's Mum works together. :P I didn't even know that until what Saturday. Terrance's Mum is the American version of my Dad. I cant say what e does cause its like TOP secret or something like that but all I know is that it's very important.
These are Some recent pictures of Me and of Saige the first ones are when I slept over at Saiges house and we had the touch tournament. :D ENJOY! Oh and theres a random one of me Playing Hockey!

I just realized that next week is our last week of school, and next month is my 13th BIRTHDAY! YES! I have seshas song in my head damn, you know Your Love is My Drug.
I don't know why I put the lyrics up. Who know what goes on in my head cause even I don't. How weird is this that my Dad and Terrance's Mum works together. :P I didn't even know that until what Saturday. Terrance's Mum is the American version of my Dad. I cant say what e does cause its like TOP secret or something like that but all I know is that it's very important.
These are Some recent pictures of Me and of Saige the first ones are when I slept over at Saiges house and we had the touch tournament. :D ENJOY! Oh and theres a random one of me Playing Hockey!

5 sentance Journal Entry by Jonas

Friday, May 21, 2010
Clio Ad Deconstruction

I think Clio chose this Ad because its a waring to people that verbal abuse is just as bad as physical abuse. It helps kids realize that its just as bad in calling someone bad and hurtful names
as punching or kicking someone. In someways its worse, A girl in England was with some girls she thought was her friends and she was tall, lean and very pretty. They were in the mall and she went and got some ice-cream, went back to her friends and they told her she was fat. She through the ice-cream away and turned anorexic. A few months after the incident she died at the age of 15 from not enough food. I think that is a very harsh but good example that words hurt more than physical abuse.
Elements -
1. Symbolism- This picture symbolizes Verbal Abuse and how much it hurts people.
2. Body Language - The way they are using there body is in a abusive, angry, harmful and scary way.
3. Camera Angles - The way the camera is looking at the people is straight on and simple.
4. Special Effects - This ad use's special affects by the hand coming out of the mans mouth which is a symbol of how much verbal abbuse can hurt.
5. Lighting Colours - The colouring the ad consumes is black and white and grey which means to me, that its not a laughing happy situation but a serious and dangerous one.
6. Beauty and Social Standing - This ad and piture has no beauty about it but its social standing is in an agressive, harmfull and abbuseive way.
7. Layout and Graphics - The layout is very simple which to me brings out the awearness of the situation, and the graphic is harsh, abbusive and has a very, very strong message.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Target Audiance
15 - 20 year old female
15 - 20 year old female
Good Fit
Sexy,stylish, comfie and all New Zinkys. tone and lengthan your legs as you walk and/or run.
Zinkys come in a verity of different shoes heels, runners and sandals. Zinkys come in all different sizes, styles and colours. Zinkys on sale NOW! Come in and live Zinkys.
Good Fit
Sexy,stylish, comfie and all New Zinkys. tone and lengthan your legs as you walk and/or run.
Zinkys come in a verity of different shoes heels, runners and sandals. Zinkys come in all different sizes, styles and colours. Zinkys on sale NOW! Come in and live Zinkys.
Journal Time
Mmmmm, nothing much this week. In class where reading the giver its... interesting. Lots of Parties these 2 weeks on Friday Sara's going away party, Saturday Terances birthday, next week on saturday 2 partys Amalia's pool party and rite after a end of year party. Can't bloody wait! :D
Am apprehensive for the Math test tomorrow and science one on Friday :P Hope we read the giver and not just a little bit. I'm starting to wonder about it like what happens when your released and why you dont give birth to your own kids and your given a job at 12 years old its raelly mystifying.
Saigey Your rite next to me go on my blog :D hahahahahaha why did i write that. Mr Hughes you just called 1 more minute so I think I will publish now.
Am apprehensive for the Math test tomorrow and science one on Friday :P Hope we read the giver and not just a little bit. I'm starting to wonder about it like what happens when your released and why you dont give birth to your own kids and your given a job at 12 years old its raelly mystifying.
Saigey Your rite next to me go on my blog :D hahahahahaha why did i write that. Mr Hughes you just called 1 more minute so I think I will publish now.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The Giver
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Sound Definitons
Thunderous -
Aliens -
Follow The Links For The Sound
Aliens -
Follow The Links For The Sound
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Random Stuff
Hey, does anyone ever wonder about that class the one Kaisae, went to? I mean we commented on their blogs then they never commented on ours or did they? Never mind i cant remember. I did the mile today for the fitness test oh a mile is 1.3 kilometers, my time was da dada da .... 6:58! :( so bad!!!! waaaaaaaaaaaaaa! oh well I'm happy about my sit and reach test. A sit and reach test is when you there is a box on a wall and you put your leg out in front of you and reach out as far as you can and i got 16.5 centimeters on both my left and right. :) yay!
Rugby today with Saigey Bear, Amalia, Lieke, Eddie, Jenni, Pier, Sammy, Valeria, Kayleighy, Carley, Dylan, Gibs and the rest who's names I cant remember and if I dont remember I'm sorry ok it is not my fault I cant remember names well!
Yay after English wich i have now I have VOCALS! I love vocals! Blue Day is my favorite day ever! I have Math ( meh alright but Ms Marello is AWESOME ) P.E ( I LOVE P.E ITS THE BEST ) Vocals ( awesome class ) and English ( awesome as well ) ok i have to go! GOOD BYE FAIR WELL I'LL MEET WITH YOU AGAIN! You know whats so funny bout writting that song on the Internet or saying it on T.V you dont even know them and chances are you will never meet them! hahah See Ya!
Rugby today with Saigey Bear, Amalia, Lieke, Eddie, Jenni, Pier, Sammy, Valeria, Kayleighy, Carley, Dylan, Gibs and the rest who's names I cant remember and if I dont remember I'm sorry ok it is not my fault I cant remember names well!
Yay after English wich i have now I have VOCALS! I love vocals! Blue Day is my favorite day ever! I have Math ( meh alright but Ms Marello is AWESOME ) P.E ( I LOVE P.E ITS THE BEST ) Vocals ( awesome class ) and English ( awesome as well ) ok i have to go! GOOD BYE FAIR WELL I'LL MEET WITH YOU AGAIN! You know whats so funny bout writting that song on the Internet or saying it on T.V you dont even know them and chances are you will never meet them! hahah See Ya!
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Our class watched the first ever series of Psych, were he pretends that he is Psychic, how this happens is he tells the police something that is on T.V and they call him into the Police Station cause they think it might be him. He is very observant and very smart and he convinces the police into been Psychic. And thats how the T.V series starts.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Muder Descriptions and Pitchures

1. This Person is g a track of some sort, and is using and object that is used to detect things so he is obviously the detective.

2. This person is dead and has several wonds to his body, this is a murder.

3. This person/ cartoon is shop lifting and is comitting a crime.

4. This perosn has been taken to the police station, and he is a suspect for a crime and all msterys have suspects.

5. Most or close to all mysterys have a red hering in them, a red hering is something that thros you off track of the case.

6. This race a suspence like the person behind the first girl will she speed up and take over or will she stay behind what will happen your just waiting biting your nails to see.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Tomorrow When The War Began!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Plastiki is sailing from the U.S.A. to Sydney, Australia. The boat is created from plastic bottles. There are three people aboard the ship, two males and one female. People think such as that this invention will fail and sink, others believe that this invention will actually make it from U.S.A. to Australia. GOOD LUCK ON BOARD!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Vocabulary 10
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Surfing The Web
Durning the Personal History Projet I found some old pitchures of myself and family when i was little. I posted some on my front page and these are a few more!!!
Taken in Australia!
My younger brother and sister and myself in the wheelbarrow im in the striped shirt!:)
Me and My little sister before my first disco
Friday, February 19, 2010
I love weekends especially when you play sport the whole time but if you have to go shopping its just a pain i mean who likes shopping hours on end oh my god its so BORING! It Just wastes time!

Thursday, February 18, 2010
Who Believes In Goats oooooooo!

Today in the bus I was listening to my ipod and no one else but the bus driver and I were in the bus and I was sitting at the back and all off a sudden out of no where i heard a voice and i looked to my right and a ghosts well at least i think it was a ghosts was calling my name and saying wired things from me. I looked to the two seats in front of me and there were 2 more a couple sitting together hands clutched in one and others not looking at each other only down and the seat in front of me popped up and young girl and started jabbering away. BLAH BALH BLAH BLAH BLAH!
Not kidding this was a real story at least I saw it or I might be going crazy which is highly likely know me but I saw them and it was freak-ay!!!!!

13 Reasons Why

Jay Asher
***** = 5 stars
Pages = 288 pages
Hannah and i sat down on a couch with my ex best friend who is making out with my first kiss but i don't care all i care about is Clay and I. 13 Reasons why is a very depressing touching book, Clays emotions are now yours this book will make you feel emotions that we hardly ever get to feel but when we do they have a huge impact on life. The emotions Hannah felt made her feel so bad that she took her life from herself.
Great Book Sad, Lonely, Funny and Amazing all in one all in one. Great Read!!
13 Reasons Why!

Monday, February 8, 2010
The Hunger Games

Suzanne Collins (in the picture to the right )
***** = 5 stars
I just finished the Hunger Games yesterday and it was my second time i have read it and it was still the best book i have ever read, its amazing the trill, the violence, the romance, the whole thing was still and always will be AMAZING, thrilling, exciting and FANTASTIC!
I have no favorite part because the whole books is just so breath taking its impossible for me to have a favorite part in the book except the one that i will alway cry in is at little, innocent Rue's death...
The Hunger Games is a book that is hard to explain in any way but basically Panem is North America in the future, and it divided up into 13 districts and 1 Capitol. The Capitol rules all it has money, brains, technology everything and leave very, very little for the districts. The district each get poorer and less acknowledged as there numbers get higher. In this rebelion that started the Hunger Games distric 13 was blown to bits by the capitol. Katniss the main charecter lives in district 12 wich is the lowest in money, electricity and victors from the hunger games. The Hunger Games is when 1 girl and 1 boy is chosen from each of the 12 districts and you fight in an arena in the capitol and whoever is the last contestant alive wins. Your names is placed legible at the age of 12 years old and is taken out at 18.
Katniss is very protective of her little sister Primrose and when her name is drawn to enter the Hunger Games her heart sunk! She stepped forward in her sister name in her Journey of the Hunger Games she meets another contestant called Rue, who reminds her so much of Prim! In the arena they become allies and in the plan of blowing their biggest competitors food and supplies up Rue get speared in her stomach by a boy from district 1. Katniss is very skilled in hunting with a bow and aro and shoots the boy rite in the neck.She loved Rue just like a little sister and it broke her heart to see her die. Rue asked Katniss to sing to her and she sang until she died. After that she covered her in flowers and a hovercraft took her away.
The book is 454 pages long and i read the book in 3 and a half days. Its amazing and i encourge with all my heart for you to read it, amzing story line, great vocabulary, thrilling!
Once you start you cant stop reading because every page you turn a new horror and exsitment begins.
PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Journal Writting
20th of January 2010
Im So so so existed about going to Sri Lanka on Friday!!! We don't go to school cause we have a night flight to K.L we got to K.L at 12pm ( midnight ) and wait in an airport hotel for 4 hours. our plane will then leave at 6 am from K.L to Sri Lanka. I'm existed because i have only ever been 3 places in the world Bali- i went there when i was 5 for 2 weeks and it was a crazy time all these bad things happened like my brother and sister got attaked by monkeys and at that time my sister was 3 and my brother was 4 . Patrick nearly drowned by going on a really fast slide so did my sister but she was walking to get an ice cream and fell in to the pool and an old man had to jump in and save her. I'm in Jakarta now i moved here from Australia last June. And i went to Singapore for surgery on my arm and we met my dad and my brother there to cause the day before i went my brother went with his appendix almost bursting. I also want to take lots of photos there cause we are going for 2 weeks and in that two weeks we are going to go to Kandy witch is the capital of Sri Lanka the beach witch i am most existed about cause i finally get to go surfing again and my dads gonna take me and my brother snorkeling and i have never been snorkeling before.
I am also sad because our friends from Christmas Island in Australia left this morning to go home. They came on Saturday night.
Im So so so existed about going to Sri Lanka on Friday!!! We don't go to school cause we have a night flight to K.L we got to K.L at 12pm ( midnight ) and wait in an airport hotel for 4 hours. our plane will then leave at 6 am from K.L to Sri Lanka. I'm existed because i have only ever been 3 places in the world Bali- i went there when i was 5 for 2 weeks and it was a crazy time all these bad things happened like my brother and sister got attaked by monkeys and at that time my sister was 3 and my brother was 4 . Patrick nearly drowned by going on a really fast slide so did my sister but she was walking to get an ice cream and fell in to the pool and an old man had to jump in and save her. I'm in Jakarta now i moved here from Australia last June. And i went to Singapore for surgery on my arm and we met my dad and my brother there to cause the day before i went my brother went with his appendix almost bursting. I also want to take lots of photos there cause we are going for 2 weeks and in that two weeks we are going to go to Kandy witch is the capital of Sri Lanka the beach witch i am most existed about cause i finally get to go surfing again and my dads gonna take me and my brother snorkeling and i have never been snorkeling before.
I am also sad because our friends from Christmas Island in Australia left this morning to go home. They came on Saturday night.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Comenting on Mr Cooks Students Blog
It Was Fun Commenting On Mr Cooks Blogs And I Hope They Will Comment On Ours!!!!!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Haiti's Earthquake Disaster
Haiti has recently experienced a major 7.3 earthquake on the 12th of January, 2010. Over 110,000 are feared dead and many more injured. Haiti is a very poor country and is getting assistance from all over the world to help with medical assistance, finding missing people and rebuilding the city. Coca- Cola has already donated $1 million U.S dollars to the American Red Cross to help the Haiti victims. Injuries have ranged form fatal wounds to almost fatal to bad to scratches. The whole world is helping Haiti with their unfortunate disaster. Alot of children in Haiti have lost parents 1-2-3 all. The whole world should feel pity and sorrow for this poor country it goes through alot and now it has to go through a major earthquake. Im sorry for Haiti you should to.

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