Monday, May 31, 2010

Advertising - Moving Pictures

Who : I think Rinzin's was the best.
Target Audience : Everyone
What Was It Advertising : That the world is AWESOME!
Company : National Geographic
Why was it good : It was convincing, interesting to watch and listen to, And it was kind of funny.

I also thought Saige's was equally good.
Who : Saige
Target Audience : Children and Adults.
What Was It Advertising: To buy Evian water
Company : Evian
Why was it good : It was really cute, creative and to me I think affective cause afterwards I was thirsty.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lie vs Any Question

My choice is any question because, in the world that Jonas lives in you cant lie and in our world its bad to lie and all parents teach their kids not to but they don't realize that they do it too. Some examples are Santa Clause, The tooth fairy and so on . My choice any question at all with a honest answer. Asking questions I think are more necessary that lieing. If the world didn't ask questions we would still be in cave naked trying to light a fire. If Ernestine didn't ask questions we would have maths, these are all examples of asking questions to help life evolve. Every day you ask questions to friends " Hey are you mad at me for using your eraser" to parents " Mum why wont you let me go to the mall? " and insted of your paernts lieing and saying I dont want you to go they will tell the truth " Because I'm worried you might die or a pedafile might get you or something along the lines of that okay!" And thats wy I wold choose asking questions over lieing.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Journal Writting

25th of May 2010

I just realized that next week is our last week of school, and next month is my 13th BIRTHDAY! YES! I have seshas song in my head damn, you know Your Love is My Drug.

I don't know why I put the lyrics up. Who know what goes on in my head cause even I don't. How weird is this that my Dad and Terrance's Mum works together. :P I didn't even know that until what Saturday. Terrance's Mum is the American version of my Dad. I cant say what e does cause its like TOP secret or something like that but all I know is that it's very important.

These are Some recent pictures of Me and of Saige the first ones are when I slept over at Saiges house and we had the touch tournament. :D ENJOY! Oh and theres a random one of me Playing Hockey!

5 sentance Journal Entry by Jonas

These past two days have been existing, apprehensive and a little boring waiting till the twelves turn. Finally when it was my turn I stroked my hair out of my face and took one deep breath as number eighteen came off the stage, I heard "number twenty". How could they have done that to me and scare me, think that i have done somting bad, i fely and still feel embarrsed, ashamed and scared.I am scared to start my training, and to hear that the last Reciver of Memory despite all of the close observations it was not the write job for him. Is this going to be the write job for me, Will I forefill my assignment or as they call it selection, will i be able to see like the other Receiver and like I did with the apple?

Friday, May 21, 2010

Clio Ad Deconstruction

Target Audience - All ages

I think Clio chose this Ad because its a waring to people that verbal abuse is just as bad as physical abuse. It helps kids realize that its just as bad in calling someone bad and hurtful names
as punching or kicking someone. In someways its worse, A girl in England was with some girls she thought was her friends and she was tall, lean and very pretty. They were in the mall and she went and got some ice-cream, went back to her friends and they told her she was fat. She through the ice-cream away and turned anorexic. A few months after the incident she died at the age of 15 from not enough food. I think that is a very harsh but good example that words hurt more than physical abuse.

Elements -

1. Symbolism- This picture symbolizes Verbal Abuse and how much it hurts people.

2. Body Language - The way they are using there body is in a abusive, angry, harmful and scary way.

3. Camera Angles - The way the camera is looking at the people is straight on and simple.

4. Special Effects - This ad use's special affects by the hand coming out of the mans mouth which is a symbol of how much verbal abbuse can hurt.

5. Lighting Colours - The colouring the ad consumes is black and white and grey which means to me, that its not a laughing happy situation but a serious and dangerous one.

6. Beauty and Social Standing - This ad and piture has no beauty about it but its social standing is in an agressive, harmfull and abbuseive way.

7. Layout and Graphics - The layout is very simple which to me brings out the awearness of the situation, and the graphic is harsh, abbusive and has a very, very strong message.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Target Audiance
15 - 20 year old female

Good Fit

Sexy,stylish, comfie and all New Zinkys. tone and lengthan your legs as you walk and/or run.
Zinkys come in a verity of different shoes heels, runners and sandals. Zinkys come in all different sizes, styles and colours. Zinkys on sale NOW! Come in and live Zinkys.

Journal Time

Mmmmm, nothing much this week. In class where reading the giver its... interesting. Lots of Parties these 2 weeks on Friday Sara's going away party, Saturday Terances birthday, next week on saturday 2 partys Amalia's pool party and rite after a end of year party. Can't bloody wait! :D

Am apprehensive for the Math test tomorrow and science one on Friday :P Hope we read the giver and not just a little bit. I'm starting to wonder about it like what happens when your released and why you dont give birth to your own kids and your given a job at 12 years old its raelly mystifying.

Saigey Your rite next to me go on my blog :D hahahahahaha why did i write that. Mr Hughes you just called 1 more minute so I think I will publish now.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Giver


A jet overflew the community and scared Jonas. Asher was late, distraction from fish. Dinner time they share their feelings.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sound Definitons

Thunderous -

Aliens -

Follow The Links For The Sound