Monday, November 16, 2009

Trip to Bintaro Lama

Bintaro Lama was very interesting, educational and Fun. We all learned a lot of things about how to clean water and how important water is. In the village it was very dirty and so was there water. There were 6 stations and in those stations we learned how to clean water. We went to only 3 of the 6 but still learned a lot.
My first station was Ceramic filter a PuR. The Ceramic filter was a big water tank with a ceramic pot in the plastic tank. The people poured dirty water into the filter and then waited 6 hours for the water to filter thorough the ceramic pot.
PuR came in little sachets. You had dirty water in a plastic jug and wrapped a clean towel around the top of the jug. The you had another jug that you poured the cleaner water into. Use the clean towel would get rid of small things like dirt and bugs. After you drain the water from the first jug you open the PuR and stir it into the water. Use another clean towel and pour the water into a glass and it ready to drink.

Second Station was Aqua tabs and Air Rahmat.
Auqua Tabs were placed into a jug filled with 5 liters of water and stirred in for 5 minutes. Aqua Tabs are little tablets that clean water and cost 1000 Rp. a tablet. Air Rahmat is a small bottle of liquid. To use Air Rahmat you have a jug of water filled to 10 liters and then you pour 5 drops of Air Rahmat and then shake 30 times in a row.
Put a clean towel over the lid and pour into a glass and its ready to drink.

Third Station was teaching kids to wash there hands and how important it is.
They told us tat they created a song about washing their hands before serving food, After using the bathroom, before eating food and after touching animals.
At the end of all the stations the kids sang the song they created.

We all had fun and learned a whole lot about cleaning water. It was hot, sticky, smell, dirty but it was definitely FUN!

1 comment:

  1. Nice work on this post, Zoe. You've got a lot of learning displayed here.

    I appreciated the number and quality of graphics you included. They are originals and make sense in context of your writing.

    Keep up the good work.
